Lovely to read about all of these in one place, after hearing about them from you! I have to say People in Cages was the title that grabbed me, so I'm sorry to hear it's the weakest among them - it sounds so fascinating. (A Man in the Zoo by David Garnett is another to add to a zoo list!)

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I'll lend it to you and see what you think!

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Having been an avid reader in my youth, when the time between sessions of hastily scribbled homework seemed almost endless, I miss the opportunity to get into a good read - not because I have no free time, but more because I have too little time to look for books I would enjoy. For this reason I particularly appreciate your reviews and have on more than one occasion enjoyed an author following your recommendation. So many thanks for this - just have to see what eBay and co can do by way of supply!

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Thanks David - I'm glad that I helped you find authors you've enjoyed, and here's hoping I can keep that happening. I'm sure you'll find some Helen Ashtons on eBay - I hope you love her as much as I do!

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